Functional structure of joint cavity of femorotibial joint of Bosnian and Herzegovinian mountain horse


  • Rizah Avdić
  • Faruk Tandir
  • Pamela Bejdić
  • Nedžad Hadžiomerović
  • Velida Ćutahija


horse, joint, meniscus, ligament


The largest and most complete joint in Bosnian and Herzegovinian mountain horse is knee joint, which consists of two joints: femoropatellar and femorotibial joint. From the point of functional anatomy and due to the load on the knee joint, the study of functional structures of femorotibial joint is of particular interest. Femorotibial joint is formed by the condyles of the femur and tibia. Femur and tibia are joined together by two powerful connections, the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (lig. cruciatum craniale et caudale). By dissection the muscles were carefully removed, the joint capsule opened, the ligaments dissected and the menisci separated. The results of measurement are presented in the Table. The lateral meniscus (meniscus lateralis) is highly developed. All measured parameters except for the width of the central part of the meniscus, indicate the lateral meniscus being greater than the medial meniscus.
The objectives of this paper were to determine significant morphometric characteristics of the meniscus and meniscus-femoral connection of the lateral meniscus.




How to Cite

Avdić, R., Tandir, F., Bejdić, P., Hadžiomerović, N., & Ćutahija, V. (2020). Functional structure of joint cavity of femorotibial joint of Bosnian and Herzegovinian mountain horse. VETERINARIA, 61(1-2), 1–7. Retrieved from



Research Article (peer review)