Influence of limb diseases on production and reproductive performance of dairy cows


  • Benjamin Čengić
  • Amel Ćutuk
  • Ana Šljuka
  • Meho Halilović


limb diseases, dairy cow, production, reproduction


Today, cow breeding is production-oriented and focused at achieving the utmost in the shortest time with little extra working hours, food and finances. Healthy extremities are the preconditions for proper conceive and the highiest production in dairy cow. The study included 20 Holstein-Frisean cows with moderate to severe pathological changes in the musculosceletal system, between the first and fifth lactation. In 70% of the cases, pathological changes affected the rear limbs, while in 55% of the cases only a single limb. Out of the total number of udder quarters, 28,75% were suspicious for subclinical mastitis, while the average length of a service period was 144 days. Adequate protection of the hoofs should reduce the frequency of lameness and inflammation as well as direct and indirect losses. 




How to Cite

Čengić, B., Ćutuk , A. ., Šljuka, A., & Halilović, M. (2020). Influence of limb diseases on production and reproductive performance of dairy cows. VETERINARIA, 59(1-4), 75–83. Retrieved from



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