Our experiences in treatment of endometritis using Lotagen® in diary cows


  • Amel Ćutuk
  • Nasir Sinanović
  • Benjamin Čengić
  • Nazif Varatanović
  • Tarik Mutevelić
  • Hidajet Pajić


chronic endometritis, dairy cows, Lotagen®


Goal of this research was to explore the efficiency of intrauterine application of 4% solution of Lotagen® in the treatment of chronic endometritis of
different severity, and to examine the effects of therapy to the breeding-reproductive parameters in animals treated under the real field conditions. Research was conducted between May 2005 - March 2007 by analyzing the data from the protocol of artifitial insemination and treatment of sterility in the county of
Sanski Most. Research included dairy cows from 95 stables when chronic endometritis was diagnosed by clinical examination (n=126) at the earliest 21 day postpartum. Animals were treated intrauterinelly with 100 to 180 ml (primiparous and multiparous) of 4% solution of Lotagen® during puerperium or in estrus, after puerperium. Out of total of 126 dairy cows with chronic endometritis treated with Lotagen® once or more times, including a group of non-treated animals, clinical healing was noted in 117 animals (92,8%), artificial insemination was performed in 115 (87,3%) and 95 animals had conception (86,3%). Due to the lack of clinical healing, fertility loss or some other reasons, 31 cows were excluded (24,6%) from breeding and this research. The treatment results as well as some fertility parameters were affected by severity of chronic endometritis and time of therapy introduction. The more time elapsed from parturition, the severity of endometritis decreased. Consequently, the percentage of cured animals after the first treatment increased from 59,5% to 79,6% (P < 0,05). Percentage of healing in E 1-2 (endometritis catarrhalis et mucopurulenta) was 68,2% after the first treatment and was significant in relation to 44,4% in E 3-4 (endometritis purulenta et pyometra). Taking into consideration the conception accomplished in two examined groups, obvious differences are shown: experimental group - 91,5%, control group - 76,9% (P<0,05). The effects of treatment to the breeding-reproductive parameters were also evalauted with high conception rates noticed in treated animals.




How to Cite

Ćutuk , A. ., Sinanović, N., Čengić, B., Varatanović, N., Mutevelić, T., & Pajić, H. (2020). Our experiences in treatment of endometritis using Lotagen® in diary cows. VETERINARIA, 61(1-2), 63–73. Retrieved from https://veterinaria.unsa.ba/journal/index.php/vfs/article/view/133



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