Benefits of clinical examination of incisors in Algerian Ouled Djellal transhumant sheep


  • Mokhtar Benchohra
  • Houari Hemida
  • Karim Amara
  • Rachid Kaidi


Dental wear, grazing, food complementation, incisor characteristics, Ouled Djellal sheep


The aim of the present study was to assess the characteristics and eventual abnormalities of permanent incisors in Ouled Djellal sheep, an Algerian native breed, in transhumancesupplementation rearing system. The study was conducted on 170 sheep from five flocks, during 2015-2016 in Tiaret region (western- Central Algeria). Clinical examination was performed to evaluate incisors’ number, crown length of central incisors, wear state, dental occlusion and, eventually, abnormalities. Results showed that wear process occurred properly due to the good dental occlusion, allowing to determine the sheep age up to 60 months. The age of the studied animals was relatively high (39% ≥ 60 months). However, the incidence of abnormalities of incisors was low (20%), mainly corner defect (6.5%), protrusion (5.9%), brachygnathia (1.7%) and prognathism (1.2%). We concluded that clinical assessment of sheep incisors was a useful tool to evaluate the efficiency of a followed rearing mode and alimentary system.




How to Cite

Benchohra, M. ., Hemida, H. ., Amara, K. ., & Kaidi, R. . (2020). Benefits of clinical examination of incisors in Algerian Ouled Djellal transhumant sheep. VETERINARIA, 68(3). Retrieved from



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